Haere rā e hine
Sung by a young man to a young lady upon her departure.
Haere rā e hine
Go Little Darling
Action Song
Action Song
Haere rā e hine
Ki Rarotonga*
Ki reira noho ai
Kaua rā e hine
E wareware
Ko au tō tau pūmau.
Go little darling
To Rarotonga*
Stay there
Little darling, don't
Me your faithful love.
*Some versions have this line as "ki Mokoia". Rarotonga is the biggest island in the Cooks Islands. Mokoia is a settlement on the North Island of New Zealand.
About the Lyrics:
Haere ra - also means "farewell" or "goodbye" and is said to someone who is departing.
Hine – literally a young female person, usually a girl or teenager, but also refers to a young unmarried woman.
If anyone knows the actions that go with this song, please email me. Thanks! -Mama Lisa

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa.