The verse gets a little longer each time it's sung, by adding another number from one to seven. Different actions are performed on each number at the end of each verse.


Sometimes only the last verse is sung.

Game Instructions

The group should form a circle, hold hands then go around while singing each verse. When you get to the last lines, perform the following actions depending on the number:

Dat is één (That is one) - Put one foot out front.
Dat is twee (That is two) - Put the other foot out front.
Dat is drie (That is three) - Put one knee down on the floor.
Dat is vier (That is four) - Put the other knee down on the floor.
Dat is vijf (That is five) - Sit back on your lower legs.
Dat is zes (That is six) - Put one elbow down on the floor.
Dat is ze-e-ven (That is seven) - Put the other elbow down on the floor.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

The oldest place the song is found is in the songbook "Nederlandsche baker- en kinderrijmen", collected by J. van Vloten (1871, 4th edition 1894). Translated by Lisa.