Kråka satt i lunden
This is a traditional song from Ångermanland, in the North of Sweden.
Kråka satt i lunden
A Crow Sat in the Meadow
Sov min lille, sov
Vak opp i kungens hov
Stjärnorna på himlen blå
äro silverlammen små
Månen de till herde fått
Nu ska barnet sova gott
Sov, min lille, sov
Vakna opp i kungens hov
Kråka satt i lunden
med gullblad i munnen
Vart skall du flyga?
Till Gullåsen
Där väx löken,
där gal göken
Där sjunga svalorna sju
Gott år i år
Myttje bätter åt åren.*
Sleep, my little one, sleep
Wake up in the King's court.
The stars in the blue sky
Are little lambs of silver
The moon is their shepherd,
Now, the child will sleep well.
Sleep, my little one, sleep
Wake up in the King's court.
A crow sat in the meadow
With a golden leaf in its mouth
To where are you flying?
To the golden ridge!
There, onions are growing
There, the cuckoo crows
There, seven swallows are singing,
May this year be a good one,
And the coming years even better.
*The last line is written in a dialect, in "proper Swedish" you would write the line, "Mycket bättre med åren."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks for Anna for sharing this lullaby with the translation!
Tack så mycket!