Injit-Injit Semut
"Injit-Injit Semut is a traditional children song that comes from the area of Batanghari, Jambi Province in Sumatra, Indonesia. Traditional songs from Jambi usually resemble poems." -Lin

Injit-Injit Semut
Move Up Above Like Ant
Singing Game
Singing Game
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Jalan-jalan ke tanah Deli
Sungguh indah tempat tamasya
Kawan jangan bersedih
Mari bernyanyi bersama-sama
Kalau pergi ke Surabaya
Naik perahu dayung sendiri
Kalau hatimu susah
Yang rugi diri sendiri
Reff :
Injit-injit semut, siapa sakit naik di atas
Injit-injit semut, walau sakit jangan di lepas
Injit-injit semut, siapa sakit naik di atas
Injit-injit semut, walau sakit jangan di lepas
Naik perahu ke Pulau Seribu
Sungguh indah si pulau karang
Sungguh malang nasibku
Punya pacar di ambil orang
Ramai sungguh bandar Jakarta
Tempat orang mengikat janji
Walau pacar tak punya
Hati senang dapat bernyanyi
Reff :
Injit-injit semut, siapa sakit naik di atas
Injit-injit semut, walau sakit jangan di lepas
Injit-injit semut, siapa sakit naik di atas
Injit-injit semut, walau sakit jangan di lepas
Let's take a trip - to Ta-nah Deli
To see a ve-ry beau-tiful place
Friend please let your - sadness go
Just sing this hap-py song together.
When we travel to Surabaya
Row your own boat - mer-e-ly - by yourself
When your heart's full of sorrow
It's a pain you make for yourself.
Step up - a bit - like an ant
If it feels too - hurt just - move it up
Step up - a bit - like an ant
Even if it's hurt - don't e-ver let go.
Riding a boat to Sri-bu Island
The very love-ly coral island
My life is real-ly so sad
Someone else took - my sweetheart away.
So crowded - Jakar-ta Harbor
Place where people promise themselves to each other
Although (there's) no sweetheart of mine
Still glad I can sing this - happy song.
Step up - a bit - like an ant
If it feels too - hurt just - move it up
Step up - a bit - like an ant
Even if it's hurt - don't e-ver let go.
The chorus is sometimes chanted alone as part of a game.
Game Instructions
Two or more people play in a circle. Each person puts a hand on top of the hand of the player next to them while pinching the hand beneath theirs until all of the hands are stacked one on top of the other. It sort of looks like ants on top of each other. Then they start chanting the chorus over and over. After each line, the hand on the bottom goes up to the top.
Injit-injit semut, siapa sakit naik di atas...
(Step up - a bit - like an ant...)
"The song Injet Injet Semut (from Indonesia) is sung by Malay children here in Singapore and in Malaysia. It's a hand game." Terry (in Singpore)

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Lin Fadelan for translating this song for us (with Lisa) and to Terry Moran in Singapore for pointing it out!
Photo: YouTube
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