Piiri pieni pyörii
Here's a well-known circle game song from Finland...

Piiri pieni pyörii
The Little Circle Turns
Circle Game
Circle Game
Piiri pieni pyörii
Lapset siinä hyöri.
Sormet sanoo soo soo soo,
Kengät sanoo koo koo koo.
Piiri pieni pyörii,
Lapset siinä hyörii.
Kädet sanoo lip, lap, lap,
Kengän kärjet kip, kap, kap.
Piiri pieni pyörii
Lapset siinä hyöri.
Toisiansa tervehtii
sitten paikoillensa jää.
Piiri pieni pyörii
Lapset siinä hyöri.
Vakavina seisovat
vallan miinkuin vanhemmat.
The little circle turns
The children buzz around
The fingers go tut, tut, tut,
The shoes go stomp, stomp, stomp.
The little circle turns
The children buzz around
The hands go clap, clap, clap,
The shoe goes clop, clop, clop.
The little circle turns
The children buzz around
They greet one another,
Then stay in place again.
The little circle turns
The children buzz around,
They are standing seriously,
Strong like parents.
Game Instructions
Go around in a circle on the 1st two lines of each verse. Then on the last two lines of each verse, do the following:
Verse 1:
Wag your finger, then march in place.
Verse 2:
Clap 3 times, then tap your right foot 3 times.
Verse 3:
Shake hands and bow.
Verse 4:
Stand in a serious manner.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Monique Palomares for the illustration!