In Lauterbach hab' ich mein' Strumpf verlor'n
In Lauterbach hab' ich mein' Strumpf verlor'n
In Lauterbach, I Lost My Stocking
Folk Song
Folk Song
In Lauterbach hab' ich mein' Strumpf verlor'n,
und ohne Strumpf geh' ich net heim.
So geh' ich halt wieder nach Lauterbach hin,
und hol' mir mein' Strumpf an mein Bein.
In Lauterbach, I lost my stocking,
And without my stocking I won't go home.
So I'll just go back to Lauterbach
and fetch me my stocking for my leg.
The song originated in Tyrol in 1827. There are many versions of the song from different German regions.
The American songwriter, Septimus Winner wrote a song based on this tune in 1864 with the new text entitled, "Where oh where has my little dog gone". It became a popular North American children's song.
There's a version of this song in French called, "C'est à Lauterbach, où l'on dans sans cesse". It can be found in a 1926 school songbook from Alsace, France.
You can find a longer version of this song here.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa.