Vine melcul supărat

Vine melcul supărat
Here Comes the Snail
Children's Song
Children's Song
Vine melcul, supărat,
O furnică l-a pişcat
Şi cum vine pâş-pâş-pâş,
Întâlneşte-un cărăbuş.
Şi din gură el striga
Fugi de-aicea, nu mai sta !
Dă-te-ncolo ! Nu sta-n drum,
Că te iau în coarne-acum!
Here comes the snail, and he's upset,
He was bitten by an ant
And as he comes slowly, slowly,
A stag beetle gets in his way.
The snail shouted:
"Go away from here,
Go away, out of my way,
If not I'll take you in my horns."

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Une fourmi l'a piqué.
Et tandis qu'il vient, pchhh, pchhh, pchhh,
Il rencontre un scarabée.
Et il se met à crier
"File d'ici, ne reste pas là,
Va-t'en, ne
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Adrian Danila for sharing this song and the video and for translating it into English.
Mulţumesc mult!