Vulpe tu mi-ai furat gâsca
This song is based on the German song Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen.
Vulpe tu mi-ai furat gâsca
Fox, You've Stolen the Goose
Children's Song
Children's Song
Vulpe tu mi-ai furat gâsca
Da-mi-o înapoi
Vulpe tu mi-ai furat gâsca
Da-mi-o înapoi
Că de nu eu vin cu pușca și cu trei copoi
Că de nu eu vin cu pușca și cu trei copoi
Lele vulpe fii cuminte
Nu mai tot fura
Nu mai tot fura
Lele vulpe fii cuminte
Nu mai tot fura
Gâşte fripte și plăcinte nu-s de dumneata
Gâşte fripte și plăcinte nu-s de dumneata.
Vulpe tu mi-ai furat gâsca
Da-mi-o înapoi
Vulpe tu mi-ai furat gâsca
Da-mi-o înapoi
Că de nu eu vin cu pușca și cu trei copoi
Că de nu eu vin cu pușca și cu trei copoi.
Fox, you've stolen my goose,
Give it back to me!
Give it back to me!
Fox, you've stolen my goose,
Give it back to me!
Give it back to me!
If not, I'll come after you with my gun and 3 hunting dogs.
If not, I'll come after you with my gun and 3 hunting dogs.
Dear little fox be good,
Stop stealing!
Stop stealing!
Dear little fox be good,
Stop stealing!
Stop stealing!
Roast goose and pie are not for you.
Roast goose and pie are not for you.
Fox, you've stolen my goose,
Give it back to me!
Give it back to me!
Fox, you've stolen my goose,
Give it back to me!
Give it back to me!
If not, I'll come after you with my gun and 3 hunting dogs.
If not, I'll come after you with my gun and 3 hunting dogs.
If not, I'll come after you with my gun and 3 hunting dogs.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Adrian Danila contributing and translating this song and for sharing his animation!
Mulţumesc mult!