Prästens lilla kråka
"Prästens lilla kråka" is a circle dance that's used for dancing around the Midsummer Festival maypole and around the Christmas Tree. It's also a kids' lap game song.
Prästens lilla kråka
The Priest's Little Crow
Circle Game
Circle Game
Prästens lilla kråka
skulle ut och åka
ingen hade hon som körde.
Prästens lilla kråka
skulle ut och åka
ingen hade hon som körde.
Och än slank hon dit,
Och än slank hon dit.
Och en slank hon ner i diket.
Och än slank hon dit,
Och än slank hon dit.
Och en slank hon ner i diket.
The priest's little crow
Wanted to go out for a ride,
She had no one to drive.
The priest's little crow
Wanted to go out for a ride,
She had no one to drive.
And she slipped here,
And then she slipped there,
And then she slipped into the ditch.
And she slipped here,
And then she slipped there,
And then she slipped into the ditch.
Game Instructions
Everyone goes in a circle and dances to the left. When "körde" is sung a 2nd time, everyone goes to the center and sits or squats down on the word "dit". Then everyone steps back and sits or squats on the 2nd repetition of "dit". Then everyone goes back to the center of the circle and sits or squats on "diket".
Instructions for Lap Game
1st & 2nd Verses: Gently swing the child from one side and then the other.
3rd and 4th Verses: Opened knees and "drop" the child down and up again (while holding her hands).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Ingegerd Jönsson for help with the lyrics.