Hier Hast du 'nen Taler

Hier Hast du 'nen Taler
Here You Have a Thaler
Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme
Hier hast du 'nen Taler.
Geh' auf den Markt,
kauf' dir 'ne Kuh,
ein Kälbchen dazu.
Das Kälbchen hat ein Schwänzchen,
macht killer-killer-Hänschen.
Here you have a thaler*.
Go to the market,
Buy yourself a cow,
A calf along with it.
The calf has a little tail
That will tickle my little child.
*A thaler is any of various silver coins that served as a unit of currency in some Germanic countries between the 15th and 19th centuries. The word "dollar" has its origins in the German word "thaler".
Game Instructions
This rhyme is usually told by an adult to a child. The adult takes the child's hand with the palm up and lightly slaps it with every line (the way one would put money in someone's open hand). On the last line the adult tickles the child's hand.

"Da hast 'nen Taler,
Geh auf dem Markt,
Kauf dir 'ne Kuh,
Kälbchen dazu.
Kälbchen hat ein Schwänzchen,
Diddel-diddel-diddel-diddel dänzchen!"
"There's a thaler
Go to the market
Buy yourself a cow
A calf too.
The little calf has a tail
Diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle danzchen!"
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to INTER-COM Translations for contributing this rhyme.
Vielen Dank!