Keď som chodil do školy
"This is an older folk version of a song that's very similar to it called Štyri kroky dopredu." -Jana
Keď som chodil do školy
When I Used to Go to School
Folk Dance Song
Folk Dance Song
Keď som chodil do školy
učil som sa litery
jeden, dva, tri, štyri,
to sú pekné litery.
Štyri kroky dopredú
a štyri zas dozadu
a dva sem a dva tam
jak sa z toho vymotám.
Štyri kroky dozadu
štyri zas dopredú
a dva sem a dva tam
jak sa z toho vymotám.
Šotyš* pekný tanec je
ten sa dobre tancuje.
Kto nevie, nech nechá,
nech sa strčí do mecha.
Štyri kroky dopredú
a štyri zas dozadu
a dva sem a dva tam
jak sa z toho vymotám.
Štyri kroky dozadu
štyri zas dopredú
a dva sem a dva tam
jak sa z toho vymotám.
A tá polka, kozipolka
tá sa pekne tancuje,
kto ju nevie, nerozumie,
nach sa do nej neberie.
Dala som si do
Prešporka rukavičke štrikovať,
aby som sa naučila
kozipolku tancovať.
Kozipolka pekný tanec,
včera som tancovala,
tak ma chlapci vystískali,
ostala som boľavá.
Jedna cesta do Zvolena
a druhá je do Levíc,
moja mamka sukne
nemá a ja nemám nohavíc.
A tá polka, kozipolka,
tá sa pekne tancuje.
kto ju nevie, nerozumie,
nach sa do nej neberie.
When I used to go to school
I used to learn my letters,
One, two, three, four,
Those are pretty letters.
Four steps forward
And four back
And two here, and two there
I'll twirl out.
Four steps forward
And four back
And two here, and two there
I'll twirl out.
The Šotyš* is a nice dance
It's good to dance it.
Whoever can't, let him leave it
Let him stuff himself into a bag.
Four steps forward
And four back
And two here, and two there
I'll twirl out.
Four steps forward
And four back
And two here, and two there
I'll twirl out.
And that polka, the goat polka
That one is nice to dance
Whoever can't dance it
Let him not go into it.
I took knit gloves
To Prespork town,
To learn to dance
The goat polka dance.
The goat polka is a nice dance,
Yesterday I danced it,
The boys squeezed me so much
That I stayed sore.
One way is to Zvolen town
And the other is to Levice,
My mother doesn't have skirts
And I don't have pants.
And that polka dance, the goat polka,
That one is nice to dance.
Whoever can't dance it,
Let him not go into it.
*Šotyš - According to this site, this is a dance that comes from Scotland that's played in 2/4 time signature. It's danced as described in the song.
Game Instructions
Dance Steps:
4 steps forward - on the forth step tap your foot.
4 steps back and on 4th step back tap your foot
2 steps to the right
2 steps to the left
The boy turns the girl around in a circle while they hold up one hand together in the air.
Then start again.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Jana Olejnikova for contributing this song and translating it (with Mama Lisa).