Mi señor don gato

Mi señor don gato
My Lord Tom Cat
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Mi señor don gato
Hoy amaneció
Enfermo postrado
Por hondo dolor,
Su esposa alarmada,
Llena de aflicción,
Dispuso que a escape,
Viniera el doctor.
Unas quince ratas
Diz que* devoró;
Mas, claro, le vino
Seria indigestión.
Si a morir llegase
¡No lo quiera Dios!
Él tendría la culpa
Porque fue glotón,
Miau, miau, miau
Porque fue glotón.
My Lord Tom Cat
Today at dawn
Lie sick
In profound pain.
His wife, alarmed,
Full of distress,
Ordered the doctor to
Come quickly.
Some fifteen rats,
He says that he devoured.
Why of course
Serious Indigestion came upon him.
If death should come,
God forbid it,
He would be to blame
Because he was gluttonous.
Meow, meow, meow,
Because he was gluttonous.
* "diz que": also found as "dicen" (they say)
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Carlos Arturo Casas Mendoza for contributing this song. Translated by Lisa Yannucci and Monique Palomares. Thanks to Sarina for the great illustration!