Lánc, lánc, eszterlánc

Lánc, lánc, eszterlánc
Chain, Chain, Turning Chain
Children's Song
Children's Song
Lánc, lánc, eszterlánc,
eszterlánci cérna,
cérna volna, selyem volna,
mégis kifordulna.
Pénz volna karika, karika,
forduljon ki Marika*,
Marikának* lánca.
Chain, chain, turning chain,
Thread of the turning chain,
Would it be a thread, would it be silk,
Yet it would turn outwards.
The coin would be a ring, a ring,
Mary* should turn outwards,
Mary's* chain.
Game Instructions
The children walk in a circle holding hands. The one whose name is sung (where the * is seen in the lyrics above) turns outwards. Once everyone faces outwards, they can play it in the opposite direction, singing "befordulna" and "forduljon be" meaning "turn inwards".

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Zsofia Valentin for contributing this song, for providing the English translation, score and the game instructions. Thanks also to Monique Palomares for the midi music.
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