Koszorú, koszorú

Koszorú, koszorú
Wreath, Wreath
Children's Song
Children's Song
"Koszorú, koszorú,
mért vagy olyan szomorú?"
"Azért vagyok szomorú,
mert a nevem koszorú."
"Kipp, kopp, kopogok,
találd ki, hogy ki vagyok!"
"Wreath, wreath.
Why are you so sad?"
"I'm sad because
My name is wreath."
"Knock, knock, I'm knocking,
Find out who I am."
Game Instructions
The children walk in a circle hand in hand. The "wreath" is crouching inside of the circle (head bowed and eyes closed). The 1st and 2nd lines are sung by the children, the 3rd and 4th lines are sung by the "wreath". Then one child steps behind the "wreath" and knocks on its back. If the children know each other well, he/she may disguise his/her voice to make the game more difficult. If the "wreath" can recognize him/her, they change places.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Zsofia Valentin for contributing this song, for providing the English translation, score and game instructions.
Illustration: Fidelia Bridges (1834-1923)
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