Gesù bambino
"Gesù bambino" is mainly sung in Italian, but the chorus, "Venite adoremus Dominum" is Latin. The words and the tune of the chorus both come from the song Adeste Fideles.
The English translation is literal. There's a popular non-literal version of this song that's sung in English that you can find in the notes called "O Come All Ye Faithful".

Gesù bambino
Baby Jesus
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Nell'umile capanna
nel freddo e povertà
é nato il Santo pargolo
che il mondo adorerà.
Osanna, osanna cantano
con giubilante cor
i tuoi pastori ed angeli
o re di luce e amor.
Venite adoremus
venite adoremus
venite adoremus
O bel bambin non piangere
non piangere, Redentor!
la mamma tua cullandoti
ti bacia, O Salvator.
Osanna, osanna cantano
con giubilante cor
i tuoi pastori ed angeli
o re di luce e amor.
Venite adoremus
venite adoremus
venite adoremus
Ah! venite adoremus
Ah! adoremus Dominum
venite, venite
venite adoremus
In the humble hut,
In cold and poverty
The Holy infant is born,
Who the world will adore.
Hosanna, hosanna*, sing
With a joyous heart,
Your shepherds and angels,
O King of light and love.
Come let us adore,
Come let us adore,
Come let us adore
The Lord.
O beautiful boy do not cry
Do not cry, Redeemer!
Your mother cradles you,
Kisses you, O Savior.
Hosanna, hosanna*, sing
With a joyous heart,
Your shepherds and angels,
O King of light and love.
Come let us adore,
Come let us adore,
Come let us adore
The Lord.
Oh! Come let us adore,
Oh! Come let us adore,
Come, come,
Come let us adore,
Let us adore
The Lord.
*Hosanna is a shout of praise to God or Jesus.
Written and composed by Pietro Yon (1886-1943) in 1917.
Here's the version of "Gesu Bambino" that's normally sung in English. It was translated by Frederick H. Martens. The tune and lyrics of the chorus are the same as the chorus in the English Carol "O Come All Ye Faithful" (Adeste Fideles in Latin).
When blossoms flowered 'mid the snows
Upon a winter night
Was born the Child, the Christmas Rose
The King of Love and Light.
The angels sang, the shepherds sang
The grateful earth rejoiced
And at His blessed birth the stars
Their exultation voiced.
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord.
Again the heart with rapture glows
To greet the holy night
That gave the world its Christmas Rose
Its King of Love and Light.
Let ev'ry voice acclaim His name
The grateful chorus swell
From paradise to earth He came
That we with Him might dwell.
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
Christ the Lord.
You can hear this carol on our English Gesu Bambino song page.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translation: Mama Lisa.
Image: The Nativity, Georgio Vasari, Italy, ca. 1546.