Vařila liška krupky, hrách
Vařila liška krupky, hrách
Fox Cooked Grits
Finger Play
Finger Play
Vařila liška krupky, hrách
vařila to na kamnách.
tomu dala
tomu dala
tomu dala
tomu nezbývala
zakroutila hlavičkou
běžela, běžela, běžela
šup se tam schovala.
Fox cooked grits, peas
Cooked on the stove.
She gave to this one.
She gave to this one.
She gave to this one.
There was nothing left for this one.
She turned her head (what?!)
She ran and ran and ran away.
Poof! She hid there.
Here's what Hana wrote about the meaning of some of the phrases in this rhyme:
"In Czech šup means something like POOF... used to indicate a sudden vanishing: The magician waved a wand, and poof! The birds disappeared!
I think that it comes from 'SUBito, presto' and it could mean QUICKLY.
'zakroutila hlavičkou' - something like a head twist - I am not sure, but maybe the fox wanted to express that there was nothing (left) for the fifth one.
Usually 'the one who got nothing' ran away and hid somewhere (or goes somewhere where it is possible to find something to eat). But I think that it is up to you. It is for children to make them laugh and smile and the adults say sometimes whatever..."

Many thanks to the Hruska-Valach Family of Lewistown, Montana for recording and sending this song.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Hana Cice for contributing this song. Translated by Mama Lisa and Hana.