Baka, baka liten kaka
A Swedish patty-cake type rhyme…
Baka, baka liten kaka
Bake, Bake, Little Cake
Clapping Game for Babies
Clapping Game for Babies
Baka, baka liten kaka,
rulla, rulla liten bulla,
ringla, ringla liten kringla,
mjöla den och pricka den
och… skjuts in i ugnen.
Bake, bake little cake;
Roll, roll the little buns,
Coil, curl the small pretzel,
Flour it and mark it
And... shove in the oven!
I welcome help fine tuning the translation! –Mama Lisa

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Ester Del Vesco for contributing this rhyme. Translated by Mama Lisa.
Tack så mycket!