A Pukeko in a Ponga Tree
(The 12 Days of Christmas)
Written by Kingi Ihaka in 1981
A Pukeko in a Ponga Tree
(The 12 Days of Christmas)
Christmas Carol
On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
A pukeko in a ponga tree
On the second day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Two kumera
And a pukeko in a ponga tree
On the third day of Christmas...
and so on, until...
On the twelfth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Twelve piupius swinging
Eleven haka lessons
Ten juicy fish heads
Nine sacks of pipis
Eight plants of puha
Seven eels a swimming
Six pois a twirling
Five - big - fat - pigs !
Four huhu grubs
Three flax kits
Two kumera
And a pukeko in a ponga tree!
1 Pukeko: type of bird found in NZ, known as a NZ Swamp hen (seen in the photo above)
2 Ponga: giant fern tree that grows in NZ
3 Kumera: a yellow sweet potato with a purple inside core
4 Piupiu: a skirt or kilt made from strips of flax. They look like hula skirts. They're worn by the Maori (indigenous people of NZ) during certain traditional dances and special celebrations
5 Haka: war songs traditionaly sung before charging
6 Pipi: clam, small shellfish
7 Puha: a type of sow thistle that is eaten as a vegetable in NZ
8 Pois: Maori word for ball – they're two balls on the end of two ropes and they're twirled around making patterns during some Maori dances
9 Huhu grubs: a small edible grub or beetle found in NZ, it's a delicacy of the Maori
Note about the words "piupius", "pipis" and "pois": Normally you don't find the letter "s" in the Maori language. But this song being English uses it to indicate plurals. [Source: The Wondering Albatross.]
Photo of a Pukeko

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to John Archer of New Zealand Folk Song for contributing this song and to Maori Art for permission to use their photo of a pukeko.
Ka pai!