Made in London, Sold at New York

Made in London, Sold at New York
Made in London,
Sold at New York,
Stops a bottle,
And is a cork.
Below is slightly different version of this rhyme from The West Somerset Word-book: A Glossary of Dialectal and Archaic Words and Phrases Used in the West of Somerset and East Devon (1886) by Frederick Thomas Elworthy:
Made in London sold in York
Put in a bottle and called a cork.
What's that?
Scroll down for the answer…
Answer: The answer to this riddle is so obvious I can't tell it to you if you don't know – you just have to figure it out for yourself! Go on and read the riddle again – the answer's right inside it. Now that's a HUGE hint!
Okay, if you still want me to tell you, scroll down further for the answer...
Answer: A cork!
Thanks and Acknowledgements
The riddle as written at the top of the page can be found in The Little Mother Goose (1912) illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith. Many thanks to Gracie Gralike for the illustration.