Clap Hands, Clap Hands
I remember my grandmother singing this song to my children when they were very young. -Mama Lisa

Clap Hands, Clap Hands
Clapping Game for Babies
Clap hands, clap hands,
Till father comes home,
For father's got money,
But mother's got none!
Helen Parry sent this:
"A version from an old friend from Rochdale, Lancs (England);
Clap hands, Daddy comes,
With his pocket full of plums."
Game Instructions
Clap baby's hands to the beat until you get to "none!" on the last line. Then put the baby's hands up in the air.

Here's the version my grandmother sang to my kids:
Clap hands, clap hands
till Daddy gets home,
'cause Daddy has money,
and Mommy has none!
Recording by Mama Lisa
Thanks and Acknowledgements
The illustration is from The Real Mother Goose (1916), illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright. Thanks to Helen Parry for sending her friend's version.
Thank you very much!