Stilla natt, heliga natt
Stilla natt, heliga natt is the Swedish version of the Christmas Carol Silent Night. Silent Night is originally a German Austrian song called Stille Nacht which was written as a poem in 1816 and set to music in 1818 by Franz Gruber.
There are three Swedish versions of "Stilla natt". This one is the earliest and was written by Carl Oscar Mannström in 1915.
Below is the Swedish version. We attempted to translate it directly into English from the Swedish. I left the first line the same as the English version "Silent night, holy night", since the translation is basically the same.
Stilla natt, heliga natt
Silent Night, Holy Night
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Stilla natt, heliga natt!
Allt är tyst. Klart och glatt
Skiner stjärnan på stallets strå
Och de korade helgon två,
Som kring Guds Son hålla vakt
Som kring Guds Son hålla vakt.
Stora stund, heliga stund
Änglars här slår sin rund
Kring de vakande herdas hjord,
Vitt kring rymden går glädjens ord:
Eder är Frälsaren född
Eder är Frälsaren född!
Heliga natt, full av frid,
Frälsningens gryningstid!
Nu begynner värt jubelär
Räddning stimman för jorden slår,
Krist, i din födelse stund!
Krist, i din födelse stund!
Silent night, holy night!
All is quiet. Clear and content,
A star shines on the stable straw,
And the chosen holy couple
Who watch over God's Son,
Who watch over God's Son.
Noble moment, holy moment,
The angels have gathered,
Watching over the Shepard's herds,
All the heavens proclaim joyful words:
You are the Savior born
You are the Savior born!
Holy night, full of peace,
Dawn of salvation!
Proclamations, worthy of cheer,
Cries of salvation resound on earth,
Christ, in your moment of birth!
Christ, in your moment of birth!
I welcome suggestions for improvements for this translation. Please email me. Thanks! -Mama Lisa

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Edward M. Gawlinski for contributing this song, for creating the midi music and for helping with the English translation. Thanks also to Jason Pomerantz and Monique Palomares for help with the translation.
Tack så mycket!