Burung Kutilang
Burung Kutilang
A Thrush (Bird)
Children's Song
Children's Song
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Di pucuk pohon cempaka
Burung kutilang bernyanyi
Bersiul-siul sepanjang hari
Dengan tak jemu-jemu
Mengangguk-angguk sambil berseru
Trilili lililililili
Sambil berlompat-lompatan
Paruhnya slalu terbuka
Digeleng-gelengkan kepalanya
Menentang langit biru
Tandanya suka dia berseru
Trilili lililililili
On top of champakka tree,
A thrush is singing
Whistling all day long,
Not tired at all
Nodding his head while saying
Tri-li-li li-li-li-li-li-li
While hopping around,
His beak is always open
Shaking his head,
Facing the blue sky
It means he likes to say
Tri-li-li li-li-li-li-li-li
You can hear this song sung here.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Asteria Memorianti for contributing and translating this song. Thanks to Harri Saptadi for the score and to Innosanto for the correction!
Thanks to Innosanto Nagara for videotaping this song for us and for the mp3!
Terima kasih banyak!