Berend Botje
Berend Botje
Berend Botje
Children's Song
Children's Song
Berend Botje ging uit varen,
met zijn scheepje naar Zuid-Laren.
De weg was recht, de weg was krom,
nooit kwam Berend Botje weerom.
Een, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven,
waar is Berend Botje gebleven?
Hij is niet hier, hij is niet daar;
hij is naar Amerika.
Berend Botje went out sailing,
With his sail boat to Zuid-Laren.
The road was straight, the road was bent,
Berend Botje never returned.
Where did Berend Botje go?
He is not here, he is not there;
He went to America.
Marie Nih wrote: "The Dutch song Berend Botje is not complete. After singing the last sentence: 'Hij is naar Amerika', you follow with:
Amerika, Amerika, driemaal in de ronte van je hop-sa-sa
Amerika, Amerika, driemaal in de ronte van je hop-sa-sa
English Translation:
America, America, turn around three times, and go hop-sa-sa
America, America, turn around three times, and go hop-sa-sa.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Carla van de Geer for contributing this counting song. Many thanks also to Mary Nih for contributing the end of the song. Thanks also to Andrea Goris for sending us this song! Thanks to Monique Palomares for the midi tune and score.
Dank u wel!