
Here's the version from The Only True Mother Goose Melodies (published and copyrighted in Boston in 1833 by Munroe & Francis):

Nose, Nose, jolly red Nose,
And what gave you that jolly red Nose?
Nutmegs and cinnamon, spices and cloves,
And they gave me this jolly red Nose.

The version below is slightly different from the one just above. I italicized the only word that's different. Also, in the version above, the word "nose" is capitalized. The variation below is from The Little Mother Goose (1912), illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith:

Nose, nose, jolly red nose;
And what gave thee that jolly red nose?
Nutmegs and cinnamon, spices and cloves,
And they gave me this jolly red nose.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

The first version of this rhyme at the top of the page can be found in "A History of Nursery Rhymes" by Percy B. Green (1899).