
Marta wrote: "I want to send you the version I grew up with in Montevideo". Here it is:

Arroz con leche
me quiero casar
con una señorita
del barrio oriental.
Que sepa coser,
que sepa bordar,
que sepa tejer medias
para un general.
Con ésta sí,
con ésta no,
con esta señorita
me casaré yo.

English translation

Rice Pudding,
I want to get married
to a young lady
from the West District,
Who knows how to sew,
Who knows how to embroider,
Who knows how to knit socks
for a General.
To this one yes,
To this one no,
To this young lady
I'll be wed.


If you click on the first mp3 below you'll hear Arroz con leche sung in Spanish. The version of Arroz con leche the ladies are singing is from Dominican Republic. (You can click the link to the left for those lyrics.)

The second mp3 is Arroz con leche played on piano.


Many thanks to Brunilda, Estela and Maria for Singing Arroz con Leche.


Many thanks to Susan Pomerantz for playing this tune on piano.

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Arroz con leche

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Oscar Téliz for contributing this song. English translation by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci. Many thanks also to Marta Miranda for the second version.

¡Muchas gracias!