
Alternate last two lines: Sekarang nenek nak cari ganti
Siapa kena dia yang jadi.

Game Instructions

Supplies: A long stick or cane and a scarf or big handkerchief to cover the eyes.

All of the kids sit in a circle. One goes in the middle as the grandmother and has his/her eyes covered with the handkerchief. He's given a cane to act like granny... who's blind and lame.

All of the kids hold hands and go around in a circle while singing the first verse of the song. At the end of the song the kids sit down and are very quiet so granny can't find them. Then the grandmother sings the 2nd verse while trying to find one of the kids with the guidance of the cane. Then he has to figure out who that kid is by touching the kid's face and hair. If he guesses right, that kid goes into the center of the circle and becomes the grandmother. If not, the first kid continues being grandma for another turn.

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