Monique wrote, "This is the version of this song I learned as a young teacher."


There are many variations of this song:

-The first line can be found as "Mon père m'envoie-t-à l'arbre…" (My father sends me to the tree) or "On m'envoie-t-à l'arbre" (I was sent to the tree) and also as "…à l'herbe" (…to the grass = meadow), or "…au champ" (…to the field).
-Sometimes the quail is sitting on her nest: "J'ai trouvé la caille assise sur son nid".
-In some versions, the dialogue between the quail and the main character is "Pucelle, retire-toi d'ici." "Je n' suis pas pucelle, je lui répondis." ("Maiden, withdraw from here." "I'm no maiden, I answered her."), the last part of the line being also found as "… tu en as menti." (…you lied).
Many versions stop at this point.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Au chant de l'alouette

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, for the notes and the recording.

Merci beaucoup !