Spanish Translations of English Children’s Songs

Jackie wrote us looking for some Spanish versions of English songs.

Online, at Mama Lisa’s World, we already have Itzi, bitzi araña, which is the Spanish version of Itsy Bitsy Spider. There’s also Estrellita, which is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star in Spanish. You can click on the links for the lyrics in Spanish with English translations.

Monique, at Mama Lisa’s World en français, and I will be working on a Spanish version of Mama Lisa’s World this year. It will feature children’s songs from around the world in the original languages with Spanish translations. Monique’s already translating some of the songs into Spanish.

Since Jackie was also looking for a Spanish version of Lavender’s Blue, Monique translated it for her. So, as a preview of Mama Lisa’s World en español, here’s Lavender’s Blue, the old English song, with an mp3 of the tune and a Spanish translation (it’s a literal translation of the English version)…

MP3 of Lavender’s Blue – Piano Recording of the Tune
(Performed by Susan Pomerantz)

Lavender’s Blue

Lavender’s blue,
Diddle diddle,
Lavender’s green,
When I am king,
Diddle diddle,
You shall be queen.

Call up your men,
Diddle diddle,
Set them to work,
Some to the plow,
Diddle diddle,
Some to the cart.

Some to make hay,
Diddle diddle,
Some to cut corn,
While you and I,
Diddle diddle,
Keep ourselves warm.

Lavender’s green,
Diddle diddle,
Lavender’s blue,
If you love me,
Diddle diddle,
I will love you.

La lavanda es azul

La lavanda es azul
Diddle diddle
La lavanda es verde
Cuando sea rey
Diddle diddle
Serás reina.

Llama a tus hombres
Diddle diddle
Mándalos a trabajar
Algunos al arado
Diddle diddle
Algunos a la carreta.

Algunos a hacer heno
Diddle diddle
Algunos a cosechar trigo
Mientras tú y yo
Diddle diddle
Nos mantenemos al calor.

La lavanda es verde
Diddle diddle
La lavanda es azul
Si me quieres
Diddle diddle
Yo te querré.

¡Aprovechen! (Enjoy!)


Many thanks to Susan Pomerantz for the piano recording and to Monique Palomares for translating Lavender’s Blue ahead of schedule.

This article was posted on Thursday, February 22nd, 2007 at 2:19 pm and is filed under American Kids Songs, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, British Children's Songs, Children's Songs, Chile, Costa Rica, Countries & Cultures, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, English, Ireland, Languages, Mama Lisa, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Spain, Spanish, Spanish Kids Songs, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, United Kingdom, USA, Wales. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

7 Responses to “Spanish Translations of English Children’s Songs”

  1. Lenny Marsh Says:

    Try Joel Frankel at Crunchy Records; he just had some of his original children’s song translated and recorded en Espanol.
    Good luck!!

  2. Rosa Says:

    Sylvia Leon has a CD and Flannelboard cut out titled Songs For Little Ones. There are about 10 English Children Songs translated into Spanish. Songs include: Cinco monitos brincando en la cama, Señor Sol, Brilla, brilla estrellita, and La araña pequeñito

  3. frances grist Says:

    I need the words to if you are happy and you know it clap your hands. Translated into Espanol. Please

  4. Lisa Says:

    We have a Spanish translation of If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands at…

  5. Cindy Says:

    hello, i am trying to find out where to purchase cd’s by sylvia leon and can’t seem to find any information. does she have a website?

  6. Monique Says:

    I couldn’t find anything by Sylvia/Silvia León either. What I found is “Te quiero- Lo mejor de Barney” -just put the title into Google to find it.

  7. Monique Says:

    Sorry, I found this that seems to be what Rosa was refering to.

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