Recipe for Inarizushi (Stuffed Pouch of Fried Tofu)


Ayako Egawa wrote from Japan and shared this recipe for Inarizushi with us! It’s a pouch of fried tofu typically filled with rice. In Ayako’s version, it’s also filled with scrambled eggs and ground meat. Here’s her email and recipe…

I cooked two-color Inarizushi. Inarizushi is one of our traditional dishes. It’s good for bento lunch boxes, too.

Inarizushi looks more colorful when you put scrambled eggs and chicken soboro on top of the rice. Soboro is ground meat cooked with seasonings such as soy sauce and sugar. It’s a good recipe for treating your guests to a delicious meal!

Recipe for Inarizushi


5 seasoned Deep Fried Bean Curd (Aburaage)*
150 g. (5.5 oz) Ground Chicken
1 tablespoon Sugar
1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
2 Eggs (lightly beaten)
1 tablespoon Sugar
1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
1 cup cooked Rice
3 tablespoons Sushi-zu Vinegar**

*Aburraage can be hard to find outside of Japan. I recommend finding it 1st before using this recipe.

**Sush-zu is vinegar used for making sushi. You can make it by mixing 6 T. rice wine vinegar, 2 T. sugar & 1 t. salt in a small pot on medium heat until the sugar and salt dissolve.


To cook the Chicken Soboro: In a pan, combine ground chicken, 1 T. sugar and 1 T. soy sauce. Cook chicken on medium heat, stirring constantly with 4 chopsticks until sauce has all evaporated and chicken is completely cooked.


To cook the Egg Soboro: In a pot, combine eggs, 1 T. sugar and 1 t. soy sauce. On medium heat, cook eggs stirring constantly with 4 chopsticks until firm.


To make Vinegar-seasoned Rice : Mix together cooked rice and seasoned vinegar in a small bowl.


To Compose the Inarizushi

Place 5 seasoned aburaage pieces on a plate.

Put vinegar-seasoned rice into the bottom half of the aburaage.

Put some egg soboro on the left surface of the rice. Put a scoop of chicken soboro on the right side of the rice.

Place the two-color inarizushi on the plate.




Many thanks to Ayako for sharing this recipe with us!

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Friday, March 31st, 2017 at 4:00 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Inarizushi, Japan, Japanese Cuisine, Recipes of the World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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