Mist – A Poem by Thoreau with a Recording

Here’s a pretty little poem by Thoreau.  After the poem I gave the meanings of some lesser-known words in the poem.

By Henry David Thoreau

MP3 Recording of Mist

Low-anchored cloud,
Newfoundland air,
Fountain-head and source of rivers,
Dew-cloth, dream-drapery,
And napkin spread by fays;
Drifting meadow of the air,
Where bloom the daisied banks and violets,
And in whose fenny labyrinth
The bittern booms and heron wades;
Spirit of lakes and seas and rivers,-
Bear only perfumes and the scent
Of healing herbs to just men’s fields.

Fays: fairy or elf
Fenny: Boggy or marshy
Bittern: A type wading bird with a booming cry

This article was posted on Monday, February 21st, 2011 at 12:14 pm and is filed under English, Henry David Thoreau, Languages, Poems, Poetry, Poetry about the Seasons, Poetry about the Weather, Poets. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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