Here’s a poem from an anonymous author of an old book called The Infant’s Delight: Poetry. It’s about a little girl who goes out on a windy day in March with her beautiful new parasol, even though her mother tells her not to. Uh-oh! (A parasol is a fancy umbrella, carried to block the sun.)
“No, Nel-ly! not to-day, my child!
I can-not let you take it;
This cold March wind, so strong and wild,
Your pa-ra-sol, ‘twould break it!”
So said Mam-ma; but Nel-ly thought,
“I will take my new pre-sent:
Tis mine; to please me it was bought;
The wea-ther’s bright and plea-sant.”
So naugh-ty Nel-ly sly-ly took
What kind Mam-ma had bought her,
And out she went-and, only look!
The wild March wind has caught her!
The silk tore up, the ribs broke out,
In spite of Nel-ly’s sway-ing;
And peo-ple laugh-ed at her, no doubt-
That comes of dis-o-bey-ing.
You can find more poems like this one online from The Infant’s Delight: Poetry at Project Gutenberg.
This article was posted on Thursday, March 22nd, 2007 at 6:24 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Poems, Poems about Spring, Poems about Windy Weather, Poetry, Poetry about the Seasons, Poetry about the Weather, Seasonal, Spring, The Infant's Delight: Poetry, The Infant's Delight: Poetry, United Kingdom, USA, Weather. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.