Come and Dance with Me Song with Recording

imageHere’s a song called "Brother Come and Dance with Me" from a Librivox rendition of Hansel and Gretel.  You can replace "brother" with "children" (or a child’s name).  This little song and dance can help children learn coordination and how to distinguish left from right.

MP3 of Brother Come and Dance with Me

Come and Dance with Me

Brother, come and dance with me,
Both my hands I offer thee;
Right foot first, Left foot then,
Round about and back again.

With your foot you tap, tap, tap!
With your hands you clap, clap, clap!
Right foot first, Left foot then,
Round about and back again.

With your hands you clap, clap, clap!
With your foot you tap, tap, tap!
Right foot first, Left foot then,
Round about and back again.

With your head you nick, nick, nick!*
With your fingers click, click, click!**
Right foot first, Left foot then,
Round about and back again.

O brother dear, O brother dear,
Come dance and sing with me.
Tra, la, la, tra, la, la,
La, la, la, la, tra, la, la.

*You can replace "nick" with "nod" or another action to make the language more modern.
**You can replace "click" with "snap".

This article was posted on Thursday, March 15th, 2012 at 10:34 am and is filed under Australia, Books & Stories, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, England, English, English Children's Songs, Fairy Tales, Hansel and Gretel, Learning, Learning Left from Right, MP3's, Recordings, Recordings of Songs, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

5 Responses to “Come and Dance with Me Song with Recording”

  1. Lindy Says:

    Love your site! It is such a wealth of creative and fun resources! Brilliant!

    Real quick though – I just wanted to point out that you accidentally misspelled Brother in the first sentence. Oh bother…

    :) Lindy

  2. Lisa Says:

    Thanks Lindy!

  3. Peter Williams Says:

    I came across this site while writing my memoirs. I sang this song in the junior choir, while the 6th Form actors performed on the stage, in 1948, in England.

  4. Karen Bott Says:

    Hi, i remember another verse from when I performed Hansel and Gretel in junior school around 6 years old. I was a gingerbread boy. It goes “I would dance but don’t know how, when to step and when to bow, show me what I ought to do, so that I may dance like you”.

  5. Mandy garver Says:

    I’ve been singing this song to my 7 month old twin grandbabies and they love it! But i couldn’t remember all of the verse, “i would dance but don’t know how…” so thanks for that!

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