Can Anyone Help with a Dutch Song that goes “”In the Vintertime when the vind blows…””?

Gail wrote me:

Greetings Lisa,

I am wondering if you have ever heard of a Dutch children’s song that starts out: “In the Vintertime when the vind blows…” some of the other words were vindowpane and vestibule. It goes something like:

In the wintertime when the wind blows (and something) then frost forms on the windowpane… (something else) and then a phase containing – in the vestibule.

Thank you so much for your assistance. My grandmother used to sing it to me and I don’t remember the words. I having been trying to find out about this little ditty for around 30 years. With your help, I may finally get an answer.

Thank you so much!

Gail E. Mann

If anyone can help with this song, in Dutch and/or English, please comment below.



This article was posted on Wednesday, October 31st, 2007 at 9:43 am and is filed under Belgium, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Dutch, Dutch Children's Songs, Holland, Languages, Netherlands, Questions, Readers Questions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

80 Responses to “Can Anyone Help with a Dutch Song that goes “”In the Vintertime when the vind blows…””?”

  1. Susan Says:

    Oh wow, I’m so glad I found this (10 years late! 😂) My Grandmother also sang this to me, as a child, and I have been trying so hard to remember it. I have one more verse for you, if you’d like! :
    Ain’t is nice in the Summertime
    When the littenbugs and the
    Hemmin birds and the yulpin frogs wit
    The googly eyes sing quartets in the
    Grass together.
    *and rather than quartets, I feel like the word sounded like “cuvoirtettes”, but I found nothing within searching for it. What a great thread, thanks again for posting!!

  2. DERoss Says:

    My mother from Chicago sang these lyrics:

    In the wintertime in the valley green,
    When the wind blows on the windowpane,
    You can watch the womenfolk from the waterworks
    Riding velocipedes on the waterfall.

  3. Rick Larsen Says:

    I grew up with a Swedish grandmother and Swedish neighbors next door who often transposed a v for a w. My neighbor had a great sense of humor, would say, “Yoost ven I learned to say ‘jelly,’ dey changed it to ‘yam.’” But it was in Boy Scouts where we sang the little alliteration ditty (to the tune of “Did you ever see a Lassie”) around the campfire:

    In da valley in da vintertime,
    Ven da vind blows on da vindowpane,
    And da vimmin in da vaudville,
    Rode velocipedes to da vestibule,
    Of da Viking Hotel.
    Ah-AH vimmin!

    This would be sung again faster, and again still faster and faster until everyone was breaking up, and it was end with Ah-AH MEN!
    Many of the Swedes who came to America in the late 19th Century and early 20th (my grandmother, 1905), had to learn most of their English on site by ear. The accents became regional until television. In sixty-five years, even the regional accents are blending off to a distinctly American neutral so that it takes a good ear to place them.

  4. Gilda Haber, PhD Says:

    Ach du lieber August, September,October
    No wonder we’re sober
    We aint got no beer.

    Song learned in East London 1930 ‘s
    Maybe in my book, Cockney Girl about growing up Jewish in East London before during and post WW2. If this one is not there there are probably others.

    also a skipping song:
    Down in the valley where the green grass grows, dear little (name of skipper) grows like a rose
    She grows, she grows, she grows so sweetly
    Down in the valley where the green grass grows. (skipper leaves the rope turned by two girls)

    My teacher’s got a bunion a face like a pickled onion, a nose like a squashed tomato and legs like matchsticks. etc. have a dozen of them.

  5. Lisa Says:

    We’d love to learn more of your skipping songs Gilda! -Mama Lisa

  6. craig Says:

    I think this version came from my South Carolinean father:
    In the vinter time, in the valley deep
    Ven the vind blows on de veathervane
    And the vimmen folk from the vaudeville
    Ride velocipedes on de vindowsill.

    And a different tune:


  7. Belinda Carol Koch Says:

    It is SO fascinating that people learn and remember such diverse varieties of nonsense songs & ditties. I sang what I remembered into Google & this blog/ site was the first (and only) response that contained what I was looking for.
    Here is our family’s version:

    In the vinter, ven ze vind blows
    Out the vindow vhere ze street goes
    All ze vomen of ze Vasserville
    Ride velocipedes around ze vindmill
    Ah vomen, amen!

  8. Susan Says:

    My Minnesota version goes like this:

    It vas vinter in da vinterland and da vind blew tru da vinderpane and da ladies rode welocopes tru da westibule of da wiking hotel…

  9. Martha Says:

    In der vinter ven der vind blows
    Look der vindow out where der vater flows
    See der vimmen in der vaudeville
    Ride velocopedes around der vindmill.

    From my father born near Holland Michigan in 1906.

  10. Ramelle Richardson Says:

    My dad, born in 1905 was of German/Dutch descent and his family were first in Pennsylvania and then moved to Nebraska. I remember him singing this silly version:

    In the village in the vintertime
    ven the vind blows upon the vindow pane
    All the vimmin ride velocipedes
    ‘round the vater vell in their undervare.

  11. Evan Lindquist Says:

    This song was recorded and published by Oscar Brand. I used to own a copy of it many years ago. The album title was “Absolute Nonsense”, and “In the Vinter” is listed as number 14 out of 18 songs. Wikipedia’s “Oscar Brand discography” lists it as a “1948-Riverside” album.

  12. Lisa Says:

    Thanks for the info Evan! Before that it was published in 1927 in Carl Sandburg’s “American Songbag” – An Anthology of American Folksongs.

  13. Susan S Reis Says:

    My mother sang this to me and I love that others know it still and hope it is taught to many generations. It’s such a fun little song!

  14. Maureen Says:

    The local radio station in NW Minnesota used to play the song at the first snowfall of the season. It was done in a Norweigian accent, of couse. There were more verses, but the beginning went like this:

    Ven it’s vinter in da valley green
    An’ da vind iss blowing through da vindowpane,
    An’ da vimmen of the vaudeville
    are finagling in da vestibule
    of da Viking Hotel.

  15. Frederic Says:

    In da Vinter tijd,
    Ven da voods are green,
    Un da Vind blows on da vindow screen,
    All da vimin in da Vaudeville,
    Ride velocopedes on a da vindow sill.

    Norwegian/Dutch hybrid sung to us kids by my 95 year old mother. What fun to learn that many know this wonderful song!! Had no idea!

  16. Kathryn Moore Says:

    Oh, it’s vunderful in the vintertime
    ven the vind vistles on the vinowpane
    and the vicked vomen of the vaudeville
    ride velocipedes around the vestabule
    ah vee-o-men, ah-men

  17. Grant Livingston Says:

    My great-uncle Paul used to sing it like this:

    In the valley in the vintertime
    Ven the vind blows through the vindmills
    And the vomen in the vaudeville
    Ride velocipedes on the vindowsills

    he might have sung more, but that’s all I remember!


    I just found this having Googled ‘song- in the vintertime in the valley green when the…’ My grandfather taught it to the family and we assumed it was one of his many Boy Scout campfire songs. This was in Reading PA and my family was Pennsylvaina Dutch. Not knowing the acutal words, we always sang it as…

    In the vintertime in the valleygreen,
    When the vint blows on the vindoscreen.
    And the vimmen send den vaudeville,
    write vilosophies on the vindowsill.
    Ahhhh Vimmen, Ahhh Men

  19. James Says:

    Of all these versions, Frank’s is closest to the one that I remember from my (Minnesota) mother in the 50’s. I think she said “windmill” instead of “windy hill” though. I had always assumed that it was a poorly remembered popular song from the 20’s or 30’s but, now that I see all these variants, it looks like it has achieved the status of “folk song”.

  20. Lisa Nicholls Says:

    I never dreamed this song would be found here!! My Dutch grandmother would sing it this way:
    In the Vintertime
    When the vind blows
    Look the window out
    And see the street goes
    See the ladies in the vaudeville
    Ride velocepedes around the indmill.

  21. Carolyn De Freitas Says:

    I remember learning a song part of which goes, All the vomen in the vash house ride velosepedes around the vestibule. All vomen. All men.

  22. Jon Says:

    Thank you to the organizers of this website.

    I heard a part of this song for the first time just a few minutes ago. My great aunt (aged 98) sang a few lines from it to me while recollecting that her uncle Herman sang it to her when she was a child (late 1920’s probably). They were from a Swiss German family living in Yorkville, New York (Upper East Side of Manhattan).

    The part remembered went like this:

    “The vimmen sin the vaudeville
    Ride velosophies (Velocipedes) on the vindosills…”

    (Similar to the variant cited by Charles Sharman in 2020 …a northeast variant, perhaps?).

    Again, I extend thanks to all those in the thread.

  23. Izzy. Says:

    Oh my gosh!
    I’m certain I learned this song at summer camp? Nate Girl Scouts.
    But what I remember in my head is
    It’s Vas Vinter in da vonderland and da vind blew on da vindopanes and da vain and vickeck vemen were volocitating on da vestibule

  24. David Jarrett Says:

    Change the w’s to v’s and vice versa as you please. I recall “women in the waterworks” but that may be my faulty memory. I am sure that the wind “whistles” not blows.
    In the Walley in the Vintertime.
    When the vind vhistles in the vindowpanes
    And the vomen in the Vaterworks
    Ride wolocipedes through the westibules
    Ahhhha vomen Ahhha Men

  25. Lee Says:

    Wow this is old post but I learned this as very long song, guess in camp. After the vimmen vrode velocipides stanza it was…

    Copenhagen was taken, hurrah, hurrah
    Copenhagen was taken, hurrah hurrah!

    Und all the straight people shtood up in the steeple and shpit on the people below..

    Ah Ah vimmen! Ah Ah men!

    Off to Liberagus? September October
    No vonder we are sober
    Ve ain’t got no beer!

    Mein little brother Heinrich, by the vindow stood…
    Inside, out looking, he saw a tree there standing…
    Und on the tree, a peach there hanging..
    He leaned the vindow out, he fell the vindow out..
    His head upon the rocks there lay….peachless!

    He died, he did!
    He died of a broken rib he did
    (repeated twice)

    Oh we’re the boys of the bowling green, bowling green, bowling green
    Oh we’re the boys of the bowling green…

    Boys! Don’t bowl on the green!
    The green is for the king.
    The king is for the queen
    The king is for the prince!

    What prince?
    Footprints, nah!
    Fingerprints, nah!
    Here, prince!

    And now, the moral of the story is….
    To be able to distinguish the difference between asthma (deep breath in)

    And passion (deep breath out)

    So how’s your mother?

    How’s your mother?
    How’s your father?
    How’s your sister Sue?
    And while we’re talking, bout the family
    How’s the old gazoo?

  26. Judy Says:

    Yes old post. My Swedish grandfather sang it this way
    In the vintertime in the valley green
    When the vind blows on the vindowpane
    All the Vomen folk from the vaudeville
    Rode velocipedes to the vestibule
    of the Viking hotel
    ahhh vomen
    ahhh men

  27. Emily Says:

    I’m so glad I found this song here! Lee’s the closest to the version I remember. We sang it as girls at Black River horse camp in Michigan. It was utterly goofy and I loved it. It’s fun to see all the different versions here and how songs evolve. I did just find this as well, published on another camp’s site. very close to the version that Lee and I both remember:

    It Was Vinter in the Valley Green

    It was vinter in the valley green,
    and the vind blew on the vindowpane,
    and the vomen of the vaudeville taught philosophy to the rest of us.

    Copenhagen was taken. Hoo-rah. Hoo-rah.
    Copenhagen was taken. Hoo-rah. Hoo-rah.
    And all the stray people stood up on the shteeple and spit on the people below.
    Ah-tooey; ah-vomen; ah-men.
    Ah-til the August, September, October
    no wonder we are sober, we ain’t got no beer.

    My little brother on the window sat.
    He saw a tree a-standing, and on that tree, a peach a-hanging.
    He looked the window out.
    He leaned the window out.
    He fell the window out.
    He died; he did; he died of a broken rib; he did; he died; he did.

    We’re the boys of Bowling Green, Bowling Green, Bowling Green.
    We’re the boys of Bowling Green.
    Boys? Don’t bowl on the green.
    The green is for the king.
    The king is for the queen.
    The queen is for the prince.
    Prince? What prince?
    Fingerprints? Nah.
    Footprints? Nah.
    Here, Prince!

    And the moral of the story is to determine the difference to between asthma (inhale) and passion (exhale).
    So, how’s your mother’s love life?

  28. Annie Says:

    In the wintertime
    In the valleyvill
    Wen the vind
    Vhistles through the windowsill
    All the vimmen
    Of the vaterkill
    Ride velocipedes
    In the vestibule

  29. Diane Fitzgibbon Says:

    I was in grade school in Fargo in the 50s and we learned a Swedish version of this. It went “Ven it vas vinter in the walley green and the vind blew on the vindowpane and the vomen in the waudewille rode wolosopedes around the westibule in the wiking hotel.” I thought it was so much fun that I still remember it today!

  30. Miles Says:

    This is the version my great aunt used to sing, many years ago:
    In the vinter, ven the vind blows,
    Let the vindows out vher the street goes,
    Watch the vimmen of the vatervilles,
    Ride velocipedes around the vindowsills.

    Such memories!

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