ABC Phonics Animation

The ABC Phonics Parade is my first foray into the world of animation!

We recorded Ms. Lupton’s kindergarten class singing an ABC Phonics Song. Ms. Lupton made up the song herself, to teach the children the sounds of each letter of the alphabet. The kids then drew pictures to go with each letter.

When you click on a letter in the animation, you can hear the children singing about that letter’s sound. When you put the mouse over the letter, you can see a little animation of that letter. When the letter’s simply moving across the screen, you get to see the child’s drawing as it is. That seemed important to me. To let the child’s work stand out.

So here’s the ABC Phonics Parade. I hope you enjoy it!

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”400″ height=”350″/]

Press the play button to start. It may take a few moments to begin, particularly if you have a slow internet connection. (You may need a new version of the Flash player to view this video, in which case you should see a link to install it.)

Many thanks to Ms. Lupton and her Kindergarten class of 2007 for creating these fantastic drawings and for singing for us!

-Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Tuesday, February 13th, 2007 at 7:04 pm and is filed under ABC Songs, ABC's, ABC's, American Kids Songs, Animation, Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, English, Languages, Learning, Phonics, Phonics Songs, Reading, Reading, Songs by Theme, Teaching, USA, Video, Writing, Writing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

8 Responses to “ABC Phonics Animation”

  1. Cathy Says:

    Cute ABCs! I’m impressed!

  2. Lisa Says:

    I’m glad you liked it!

  3. hamoud ali alward Says:

    You were really great with this wonderful method, you have created a real fantastic way to teach children how to read or pronunce ABC.

    I also teach English here in Yemen and I have got my own way in teaching students (greetings) through some songs I made them myself, any way god bless you and thanks alot for being so helpful to the people around.

    hamoud al ward

  4. ZAcK Says:

    it’s realy a nice way , but it needs some work on the sound tracks . .
    i don’t know that much but i feel that you worked hard on that . . .
    and i am glad to offer help ! !
    contact me through the messenger.
    thank you .

  5. amie Says:

    Help! I’m looking for this song on CD(ABC phonics parade) I bought a cassette years ago for my son who was a late talker and it was wonderful. it had a female artist singing and playing guitar. It had traditional nursery rhymes and some Spanish. Ive been searching for years now to find this, any ideas????
    Another song on the tape was
    I love you so much,
    I love you so much,
    I cant even tell you how much I love you,
    you’re special to me,
    you’re special to me
    I’m lucky to have you as part of my life.

    it goes something like that. PLease help!

  6. Nhi Says:

    What’s a surprise! Cute and innovative!

  7. Maggie Says:

    Very cute. Children love learning through songs. My four year old daughter used to come home singing her phonic songs. You can check out the phonic songs from
    It’s easy to sing.

  8. ApplePie Says:

    Really cute and innovative.

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