Turli Turli piangeva
Gerard sent this rhyme with the note: "I would like to submit this short item in remembrance of my mother Mamma Rosa Vernice di Corato la cantava spesso (from Corato, who often sang)... Of course my mother sang this to me often because I also wanted some chocolate. She also sang many of the songs that appear on your site."
Turli Turli piangeva
Turli Turli Was Crying
Children's Song
Children's Song
Turli Turli piangeva
voleva la ciocolata
la mamma non aveva
Turli Turli piangeva
A mezzo giorno in punto
Passava un apparecchio
e sotto stava scritto
Turli Turli stai zitto.
Turli Turli was crying
He wanted some chocolate
His mother did not have any
Turli Turli was crying.
At 12 o'clock exactly
An airplane was passing by
And underneath was written
Turli Turli be quiet.
Gian Carlo wrote me in March 2009, "I read on your website (I'm trying to read all the rhymes in your so interesting website) the children's song 'Turli Turli piangeva' and I remembered another version that my mother sang to me. In this version the child is called Pirulì (or, sometimes, Pirulìn) and doesn't eat chocolate, but a candle. Furthermore, the airplane doesn't pass by at twelve o'clock, but at midnight.
Pirulì Pirulì piangeva:
voleva la candela.
La mamma gliel' ha data
e lui se l'è mangiata
A mezzanotte in punto
passava un aeroplano
e sotto c'era scritto:
"Pirulì Pirulì sta zitto".
In English:
Pirulì Pirulì was crying:
He wanted a candle.
His mother gave it to him
And he ate it.
At midnight exactly
An airplane was passing by
And underneath was written:
Pirulì Pirulì be quiet.
Emanuela wrote in April 2011: "I know…
Pimpirulin piangeva,
voleva mezza mela.
La mamma non l'aveva,
Pimpirulin piangeva!
A mezzanotte in punto,
passa un aereoplano,
e sotto c'era scritto:
'Pimpirulin sta zitto!'.
English translation
Pimpirulin was crying,
He wanted half an apple.
The mom didn't have any,
Pimpirulin was crying!
At midnight on the dot,
An airplane passes,
And under it was written:
'Pimpirulin be quiet!'!"

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Gerard Vernice for contributing and translating this song. Many thanks to Gian Carlo Macchi for contributing and translating the second version of this song and for helping with the midi and score. Many thanks to Emanuela Marsura for contributing and translating the third version.
Grazie mille!