Nella vecchia fattoria
This is "Old McDonald Had a Farm" in Italian...

Nella vecchia fattoria
On the Old Farm
Children's Song
Children's Song
Nella vecchia fattoria,
Quante bestie ha zio Tobia,
C'e il cane (bau!) cane (bau!) ca-ca-cane, cane (bau!)
Quante bestie ha zio Tobia,
Nella vecchia fattoria,
Quante bestie ha zio Tobia,
E il gatto (miao!) gatto (miao!) ga-ga-gatto, gatto (miao!)
Quante bestie ha zio Tobia,
Nella vecchia fattoria,
Quante bestie ha zio Tobia,
E la muca (muu!) muca (muu!) mu-mu-muca, muca (muu!)
Quante bestie ha zio Tobia,
On the old farm,
E ah e ah o!
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
There's the dog, bow! Dog, bow! D-d-dog,
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
On the old farm,
E ah e ah o!
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
There's the cat, meow! Cat, meow! C-c-cat,
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
On the old farm,
E ah e ah o!
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
There's the cow, mooo! Cow, mooo! C-c-cow,
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
Victoria wrote "This is 'Old McDonald Had a Farm' in Italian, I learned it this year in my Italian class".
Kelly wrote: "I found your website while I was searching for Italian lullabies and nursery rhymes. I would like to learn some to teach to my daughter, who is 2 months old. I learned Old MacDonald in my Italian class last fall:
Nella vecchia fattoria
i-a i-a o!
Quante bestia h'zio Tobia
i-a i-a o!
C'e un cane bau! cane bau! ca-ca-cane
e un gatto miao! gatto miao! ga-ga-gatto
e la mucca muuu! mucca muuu! mu-mu-mucca
Nella vecchia fattoria
i-a i-a o!
English Translation
On the old farm,
E ah e ah o!
What a lot of animals Uncle Tobias has,
E ah e ah o!
There's a dog, bow! Dog, bow! D-d-dog
And a cat, meow! Cat, meow! C-c-cat
And the cow, mooo! Cow, mooo! C-c-cow,
On the old farm,
E ah e ah o!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Victoria Alliegro for contributing this song. Many thanks also to Kelly for contributing and translating the second version of this song. Translations edited by Lisa Yannucci.
Thanks to Del and the children at Wullingkamma Nursery School and Lower Basic in The Gambia for sharing the wonderful illustration.
Grazie mille!