Cincirinella is a tarantella... which is a traditional style of Italian dance song with a fast upbeat tempo.


Maria Sabatino-Cabardo wrote: "I also have a little poem I saw in your site of children's songs, about Cicerenella, this is in dialect though again, our dialect from Roseto Valfortore in Foggia:

Cicerenella (Another Version)
Italian Dialect from Roseto Valfortore in Foggia

Cicerenella teneva 'nu gallo,
tutta' a' notte ce ieva a cavallo
E ce ieva tanto bello,
chist' e o gallo di Cicerenella

Cicerenella teneva nu ciuccio
ieva venenno cavalo e cappucce
e venenneva tanto bello
chist' e o ciuccio di Cicerenella

Cicerenella teneva na votta
metteva pe incoppa e asceva pe sotta
E asceva tantu bello,
chist' e a votta di Cicerenella


Cincirinella aveva un gallo
tutta la notte ci andava a cavallo
E ci andava tanto bent,
questo è il gallo di Cicirinella

Cicerenella aveva un asino,
andava in giro vendendo brocolli
e cavoli capucci.
E vendeva tanto bene,
questo è l'asino di Cicerenella.

Cicerenella aveva una botte,
il vino che lei ci metevva di sopra
uscieva di sotte
e usciva tanto bene
questa è la botte di cicerenella.

English translation

Cincirinella had a rooster
Riding a horse all night long
And it was riding very well
This is the rooster of Cincirinella

Cincirinella had a donkey
Walking around in circles selling broccoli
And green cabbages
And it was selling very well
This is the donkey of Cincirinella

Cincirinella had a cask
The wine that he was pouring in its top (lit. putting)
Was going out from its bottom
And it was going out very well
This is the cask of Cincirinella.

Nick Ferrara wrote: "Your site brought back many memories. My parents were from Roseto Valfortore and immigrated to USA in 1920. I'd like to add a verse I remember in the Rosetano dialect:

Another Verse of Cicerenella

Cicerenella teneva nu cane
muzicava li cristiani
muzicava li donne bell'
chist'e u cane di Cicerenella.

English translation

Cicerenella had a dog
He bit all the Christians [people]
He bit all the pretty ladies,
This is the dog of Cicerenella."

Many versions exist of Cincirinella. The versions in the videos are different from our lyrics, but they give you a chance to hear it being sung.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Ernestine Shargool for contributing and translating this song. Many thanks also to Maria Sabatino-Cabardo for contributing, translating the 2nd version into standard Italian and to Monique Palomares for translating it into English. Many thanks to Nick Ferrara for contributing and translating the additional verse.

Grazie mille!