Dance Tae Yer Daddy
This song is known in Scotland and the north country (in England)...

Dance Tae Yer Daddy
Dance To Your Daddy
Children's Song
Children's Song
Dance tae yer daddy,
Ma bonnie laddie,
Dance tae yer daddy, ma bonnie lamb!
An ye'll get a fishie
In a little dishie,
Ye'll get a fishie, whan the boat comes hame.
Dance tae yer daddy,
Ma bonnie laddie,
Dance tae yer daddy, ma bonnie lamb!
An ye'll get a coatie,
An a pair o' breekies,
Ye'll get a whippie, an a soople Tam.
Dance to your daddy,
My dear little boy,
Dance to your daddy, my dear lamb!
And you'll get a fish
In a little dish,
You'll get a fish, when the boat comes home.
Dance to your daddy,
My dear little boy,
Dance to your daddy, my dear lamb!
And you'll get a coat
And a pair of breeches,
You'll get a whip and a top.
hame = home
breekies = breeches
soople Tam = top
Jim Linwood wrote me, "Dance To Yer Daddy is generally believed to be a song from Northumberland in England and was the theme tune of the classic BBC series When The Boat Comes In."
Bonny Newman wrote, "As a music teacher in the UK, I can tell you that it is originally English. It comes from the area around North East England, around Northumberland where there was and still is a fishing industry. Hence, 'You shall have a fishie on a little dishie!' and the word 'boat' in Northumberland dialect would sound more like 'boot'."
Derek Paice wrote, "I notice you have filed 'Dance to Your Daddy' under Scotland. I was always under the impression that it was English. The song is usually associated with the north-east (i.e. Newcastle-upon-Tyne) and Geordie culture."
Ernestine Shargool was kind enough to clear this up for us...
"RE: 'Dance tae your Daddy':
It's in the Montgomerie collection of traditional Scottish nursery rhymes;
I've just checked in the Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes by the Opies:
pg: 140:
'A dandling song known particularly in Scotland and the north country, sometimes (as in 1842) with the additional verse
And ye'll get a coatie
And a pair of breekies
Ye'll get a whippie and a supple Tam!
The last line has also been heard as:
An' a whirligiggie an' a supple Tam.
In Fordyce's 'Newcastle Song Book' it is given, to a delightful tune, as the refrain of a five-verse ditty 'The Little Fishy' by William Watson.'
So looks like both places can claim it."
I found another version of Dance to Your Daddy that I believe comes from North England. (You can click the link to get to that version.) -Mama Lisa
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ernestine Shargool for contributing this song and Monique Palomares for translating it. Thank you all for your enlightening comments! - Mama Lisa
The illustration comes from Harry's Ladder to Learning (1850).
Thanks so much!