Raditya Anandanto shared this song with the note, "I will contribute to your website by sending you a Sunday school song in the Batak Toba language of Indonesia that I know from a friend.

Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority country on the face of the Earth. However, Christian minority pockets are scattered throughout the Indonesian archipelago, one of these areas is Tapanuli, which is the western part of the Indonesian province of North Sumatra."


Its translation in the national language of Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia):

Hari ini, hari ini, hari Tuhan
Hari ini, hari ini, hari Tuhan
Mari kita, mari kita, bersuka cita
Mari kita, mari kita, bersuka cita

Hari ini, hari ini, hari Tuhan
Hari ini, hari ini, hari Tuhan
Mari kita, mari kita, bersuka cita
Mari kita, mari kita, bersuka cita

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Raditya Anandanto for sharing this song with the English translation and the Bahasa Indonesia translation!