La pulga y el piojo
There are many versions of this song throughout the Spanish speaking world.

La pulga y el piojo
The Flea and The Louse
Canción infantil
Children's Song
La pulga y el piojo se quieren casar,
no se hace la boda por falta de pan.
Responde una hormiga desde su hormigal
- Hágase la boda, que yo pongo el pan
Y no por el pan, que ya lo tenemos,
sino ahora la cama ¿dónde la hallaremos?
Ha salido un loro detrás de un taraje:
- Hágase la boda, yo pongo la cama.
Y no por la cama, que ya la tenemos,
sino ahora el vino ¿dónde lo hallaremos?
Ha salido un mosquito de un calabacino:
- Hágase la boda, que yo pongo el vino.
Y no por el vino, que ya lo tenemos,
sino ahora el padrino ¿dónde lo hallaremos?
Ha salido un ratón de un montón de trigo:
- Hágase la boda, yo soy el padrino.
Y no por el padrino, que ya lo tenemos
sino ahora la madrina ¿dónde la hallaremos?
Ha salido una gata de su cocina:
- Hágase la boda, yo soy la madrina.
Y no por la madrina, que ya la tenemos,
sino ahora el cura ¿dónde lo hallaremos?
Ha salido un cuervo con su refrescura:
- Hágase la boda, que yo soy el cura.
Y no por el cura, que ya lo tenemos,
sino ahora el sacristán ¿dónde lo hallaremos?
Ha salido un sapo, como es tan galán:
- Hágase la boda, yo soy el sacristán.
Estando la boda en su regocijo,
salta la madrina, se comió al padrino.
Se quedaron los novios tristes y afligidos.
The flea and the louse want to get married,
The wedding won't take place for lack of bread.
The ant answers from its ant hill,
"Let the wedding take place, I'll bring the bread."
And if not because of the bread, since we already have it,
But now the bed, where will we find it?
A parrot came out from behind a tamarisk shrub,
"Let the wedding take place, I'll bring the bed."
And if not because of the bed, since we already have it,
But now the wine, where will we find it?
A mosquito came out of a zucchini,
"Let the wedding take place, I'll bring the wine."
And if not because of the wine, since we already have it,
But now the godfather, where will we find him?
A rat has came out of a pile of wheat,
"Let the wedding take place, I'll be the godfather."
And if not because of the godfather, since we already have him,
But now the godmother, where will we find her?
A she-cat came out of her kitchen,
"Let the wedding be take place, I'll be the godmother."
And if not because of the godmother, since we already have her,
But now the priest, where will we find him?
A raven came out with its coolness,
"Let the wedding take place, I'll be the priest."
And if not because of the priest, since we already have him,
But now the sexton, where will we find him?
A toad came out, as it's so handsome,
"Let the wedding take place, I'll be the sexton."
While the wedding party was rejoicing,
The godmother jumped, she ate the godfather,
The newly-weds stayed sad and grief-stricken.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa Yannucci and Monique Palomares.