Los pollitos
Los pollitos
The Little Chicks
Canción infantil
Action Song
Los pollitos dicen,
Pío, pío, pío
cuando tienen hambre
cuando sienten frío.
La gallina busca,
el maíz y el trigo
les da la comida
y les presta abrigo.
Bajo sus dos alas
hasta el otro día
duermen los pollitos.
The little chicks say
Tweet, tweet, tweet,
When they are hungry
And when they feel cold.
The mother hen looks for
Corn and wheat,
She gives them food
And grants them shelter.
Under her two wings,
Until the next day
The little chicks sleep.
"Los pollitos" translates literally as "The Chicks". We translated it as "The Little Chicks" so that the line would have the same number of syllables in English as the original.
Ismael Parraguez is the author of "Los Pollitos". He was born in Chile in 1883. He published the song for the first time circa 1907 in his book called "Poesías Infantiles".
Game Instructions
Heleen de Vaan sent me the following hand gestures that go with this song:
1. "Cuando tienen hambre" - Rub your belly.
2. "Cuando sienten frío" - Cross your arms and shiver as if you feel cold.
3. "La gallina busca el maíz y el trigo"- Move your head up and down, as a pecking chicken.
4. "Les da la comida" - Open your hand and put it forward.
5. "Y les presta abrigo" - Put your arms around yourself.
6. "Bajo de sus dos alas, acurrucaditos" - Put your arms around the one who's next to you.
7. "Duermen los pollitos" - Put your face into your hands and close your eyes.
