Pín pín, zarramacatín
There are different versions of this rhyme.
Pín pín, zarramacatín
Pin pin, zarramacatin
Canción de juego
Game Song
Pín pín, zarramacatín
pollitos sudados
echados en sal
sal mariquitiña
dónde está mi almita,
en un puñadito
de cebadiña.
El mortero,
la cuchara,
¡Zape gato!
a un costado.
Pin pin, zarramacatin
Stew of chicks
Put in salt.
Get out, ladybug.
Where is my soul?
In a small fistful
Of wall barley.
The mortar,
The spoon,
Shoo, cat,
Game Instructions
"The way in which we played was as follows:
we sat (or kneeled) around a low table or a chair, on which we placed both hands with palms down, arranged in a circle. Whoever organized the game (usually the oldest person) while reciting the lines, lightly pinched the back of each hand. When the verse ended, the last hand to be pinched had to withdraw from the game. The last hand remaining on the table was the winner." -Javier

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Javier Martínez Frascaroli who has sent us this song from Alcobendas (Madrid). Translated by Monique.