"I have a rhyme from my own culture, it is a nasheed (Islamic hymn), this nasheed is often taught to a group of children called santri (students of Islamic boarding schools), however, those who have never been taught in an Islamic boarding school do also know this nasheed, and the lyrics are as follows…" -Raditya


"This nasheed is taught by Sunan Bonang, one of the nine scholars who spread Islam on the island of Java (wali songo), however, many modern-days Indonesian singers have popularised this nasheed. This nasheed has been translated to the national language of Indonesia, it is translated as follows…" -Raditya

Obat hati ada lima perkaranya
Yang pertama baca Qur'an dan maknanya
Yang kedua sholat malam dirikanlah
Yang ketiga berkumpullah dengan orang sholeh
Yang keempat perbanyaklah berpuasa
Yang kelima dzikir malam perpanjanglah
Salah satunya siapa bisa menjalani
Moga-moga Allah Ta'ala mencukupi

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Raditya Anandanto for sharing this song with the translations and notes!