Me Achorey Hayaar
Me Achorey Hayaar
In The Forest
Children's Song
Children's Song
Me achorey Hayaar
Sham yashvo shalosha gamadim
Lo shatu v' lo achlo
Ham rak yashvo v' pitpato.
In the forest
There sat three elves
They weren't drinking
They weren't eating
They only sat and chattered.
Here's another version of this song (which seems to be better known than the version above):
Meachorei ha-ya'ar
Hebrew Transliteration
Meachorei ha-ya'ar
achat, shtaim, shalosh
sham yashvu shlosha gmadim
achat, shtaim, shalosh
lo achlu ve-lo shatu
achat, shtaim, shalosh
rak yashvu ve-pitpetu
achat, shtaim, shalosh
In the Forest
English Translation
In the forest
One, Two, Three,
There sat three elves
One, Two, Three,
They weren't eating, they weren't drinking,
One, Two, Three,
They only sat and chattered,
One, Two, Three.
Here's the Hebrew text of In the Forest...
Here's the version that goes with the Hebrew text below:
me-a-chorei ha-ya'ar ahat shta-im sha-losh
sham yashvu shlo-sha gama-dim ahat shta-im sha-losh
lo achlu ve lo shatu ahat shta-im sha-losh
rack yashvu ve pit-pat-tu ahat shta-im sha-losh
English Translation
Behind the forest 123
There sat three elves 123
They weren't eating 123
They weren't drinking 123
They only sat and chattered 123.
Computerized Text
(We apologize if this doesn't display properly on your screen):
מאחוריי היער
מאחוריי היער 123
שם ישבו שלושה גמדים 123
לא אכלו ולא שתו 123
רק ישבו ופיטפטו 123

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Naomi Aran of Mizra, Israel for contributing this song. Thanks to Mashy Zohar Yefet for the second version. Thanks also to Matthew Levie for the Hebrew text and the transliteration for the second version. Thanks to Tovia Ben-David for sending a link to the video.
Toda raba!