Ess eső, ess
This rhyme is also sung in Slovakia. It can also be sung/chanted to slightly different tunes.
Ess eső, ess
Come Rain, Come!
Children's Song
Children's Song
Ess eső, ess,
holnap délig ess,
Zab szaporodjék,
búza bokrosodjék,
Az én hajam olyan legyen,
mint a csikó farka,
Még annál is hosszabb,
Mint a Duna hossza.
Rain, rain, come!
Rain till midday tomorrow!
May the oat multiply!
May the wheat be bushy!
May my hair be like
The tail of a foal**
Even longer than that
As long as the length of the Danube!
*Here the imperative forms of a verb ("to rain") frame the noun (rain= eső).
**Hungarian does not distinguish male or female ponies.
You can hear the rhyme chanted here.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tinker Jack for translating this song and providing the notes.