This lullaby originally comes from Moravia, a region of Czechoslovakia that used to have a large German-speaking population.


Additional/alternate verses:

Kindlein mein, schlafe ein.
Vöglein fliegt vom Baume.
Fliegt geschwind zu meinem Kind.
Singt ihm vor im Traume.
Eia Wieglein, Wieglein mein,
Schlaf mein Kindlein, schlafe ein.

Mütterlein singt dich ein,
schlaf dir rot die Wäng'lein.
Treu bewacht in der Nacht,
träume süß vom Eng'lein
Eia Wieglein, Wieglein mein,
Schlaf mein Kindlein, schlafe ein.

English translation:

My little child, get to sleep,
A little bird flies from a tree.
It flies quickly to my child,
Sings to him in his dreams.
Beddy-bye, little one, my little one,
Sleep, little child, get to sleep.

Mommy sings to you,
Sleep with your red cheeks.
Guarded faithfully at night,
Sweet dreams of the little angel
Beddy-bye, little one, my little one,
Sleep, little child, get to sleep.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Kindlein mein, schlaf doch ein