This song was collected by Béla Bartók at Vésző in Békés County in 1909.


Notes from Tinker Jack:

(1) It used to be a professional worker who dealt with leather and then made shoes. Today it is a very popular surname in Hungary.
(2) The verb "ütött" means "stroke, hit". It expresses a sudden movement.
(3) The verb "hányja-veti" is again quite challenging to translate. It actually means "Throwing here and there". So, better solutions are welcomed.
(4) "Kalán" is archaic. Today one says "kanál".
(5) Zsuzsa is one of the nickname versions of Zsuzsanna. There are quite a lot in use, too.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Hej, Vargáné

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Tinker Jack for translating this song and providing such interesting notes!