Der treue Husar
A hussar was a member of the European cavalry in the 17th - 19th centuries modelled after the Hungarian light cavalry of the 15th century. They were known for their bravery in battle.
Originally a longer version of this song was sung. Nowadays, people mainly sing the 1st verse, in a happy mood, often as a drinking song. This is what you'll find below. It's also sung as a Carnival song, especially in Cologne. The original song is found in print dating back to 1808. That version is sad, involving a soldier who departed from his love for a year and could only return to her when she was fatally ill. A later version was composed as a marching song by Heinrich Frantzen and published in 1924.
Der treue Husar
The Loyal Hussar
Carnival Song
Carnival Song
Es war einmal ein treue Husar,
Der liebt sein Mädel ein ganzes Jahr,
Ein ganzes Jahr und noch viel mehr,
Der Liebe nahm kein Ende mehr!
Ein ganzes Jahr und noch viel mehr
Der Liebe nahm kein Ende mehr!
Once there was a loyal hussar
He loved his girl for one whole year,
One whole year and much longer,
His love for her he'd never forget.
One whole year and much longer,
His love for her he'd never forget.
The song is featured at the end of Stanley Kubrick's film "Paths of Glory".

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to George Nicholson for sharing this song with us.