Himpelchen und Pimpelchen
Himpelchen und Pimpelchen
Himpelchen and Pimpelchen
Hand Play
Hand Play
1. Himpelchen und Pimpelchen
2. stiegen auf einen Berg.
3. Himpelchen war ein Heinzelmann,
4. und Pimpelchen war ein Zwerg.
5. Sie blieben lange da oben sitzen
6. und wackelten mit den Zipfelmützen.
7. Doch nach fünfundsiebzig Wochen
8. sind sie in den Berg gekrochen,
9. schlafen da in guter Ruh,
10. seid mal still und hört ihnen zu!
11. (Schnarch, schnarch)
1. Himpelchen and Pimpelchen
2. They climbed a mountain.
3. Himpelchen was a sprite
4. And Pimpelchen was a dwarf.
5. They stayed up there for a long time
6. And wiggled their pointed nightcaps.
7. But after seventy-five weeks
8. They crept into the mountain,
9. Sleeping there peacefully,
10. Be quiet and listen to them!
11. (Snore, snore)
Sometimes there's more to the ending as follows:
Seid schön still und hört mal zu.
Heißa, heißa hopsasa
Himpelchen und Pimpelchen sind wieder da.
Be quiet and listen.
Shhh ...
Hip, hip, hurray!
Himpelchen and Pimpelchen are back.
Game Instructions
1. Put out one fist with your thumb up to indicate Himpelchen and put out the other fist with the thumb to show as Pimpelchen.
2. Put one fist over the other with the thumb up to mime that they're climbing. 2x's
3. Wiggle one thumb.
4. Wiggle the other thumb.
5. Move fists with thumb up left and right. 2x's
6. Make a triangle on top of your head like a pointed cap while swaying left and right.
7. Move your fists towards the right while your thumbs are moving.
8. Move your fingers to mime them walking.
9. Put your hands together on the side of your head to mime sleeping
10. Put your index finger in front of your mouth to say shhhhh.
11. Make a snoring noise.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Mama Lisa.