Yo tengo unas tijeras
Yo tengo unas tijeras
I have Scissors
Rima de comba
Jump Rope Rhyme
Yo tengo unas tijeras
que se abren
y se cierran
yo toco el cielo
yo toco la tierra
yo me arrodillo
y me salgo fuera.
I have scissors
That open
And close,
I touch the sky,
I touch the ground
I kneel down,
And I go out.
Game Instructions
Two children turn the rope, another child jumps in the middle:
Line 1: Jump into the rope.
Line 2: Jump and land spreading your legs.
Line 3: Jump and land closing your legs.
Line 4: Jump and raise your arm (touch the sky).
Line 5: Jump and touch the ground with one hand.
Line 6: Jump and kneel down when you land.
Line 7: Jump and get out of the rope.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique.